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What is the Difference between Ombre Brows and Microblading?
Ombre Brows
Ombre brow is a shading effect that mimics powder or tint, with a gradual fade from the tail to the head of the brow. It’s performed with a digital machine that implants pigment at a much quicker speed, enables more passes without causing scarring to the skin.
Microblading uses a bladed hand tool to cut into the skin, to mimic hair-like strokes and deposit pigment. Once the cuts have been made, pigment is left of the skin for several minutes to further penetrate the cuts to allow for more visible color. If you have any of the following you may experience retention issues with microblading:
Oily skin
High blood pressure
Darker skin tone
Large pores
Are you Pregnant or Nursing?The hormones from pregnancy and nursing affect the retention of the pigment and how well the skin heals. Please wait 8 weeks after giving birth and/or nursing your beautiful baby, before booking an appointment.
Are you on Blood Thinners?If you are any kind of blood thinners, you will need to consult your Doctor first and bring in a consent note. Blood Thinners can affect pigment retention and reduce your ability to anesthetize.
Are there any ongoing medical conditions you are currently being treated for?You will need to consult your Doctor first and bring in a Doctor's consent note. Please let us know about any other medical conditions that we should be aware of at your consultation
Have you gotten Laser, Peels, Botox or Fillers done recently?You will need to wait before scheduling an appointment: 8 weeks after Laser 4 weeks after Chemical Peels 2 weeks after Botox or Disport (If you're not happy with results, let the product run its cycle) (Also note that the brow shape will be affected once the product wears off) 1 week after Intense Pulsed Light treatments
Are you using Retin A, Glycolic or any other similar type of product?Stop using these products 4 weeks before your appointment. Your skin may be too thin while using these products which can lead to damage.
Are you on Accutane?You will need to wait a full year before having PMU done if you have been on Accutane.
Do you have any active acne or open skin in the brow area?You will need to wait until the lesions/wound heal completely before having PMU done. We will NOT work on open skin. Your appointment will be rescheduled if you have active acne or open skin in the brow area the day of your appointment, fees may be added on.
Are you suntanned or sunburned?You must wait until the skin has healed and returned to it's natural color before getting PMU. Suntanned skin will distort the brow pigment when it heals and become a unflattering color.
A few other conditions that will require you to wait or get your Doctor's clearance:Chemotherapy and Radiation, need to consult your Doctor first and bring consent note. Active dermatologic disorders, i.e. rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, consult you Doctor. Actively sick with flu/fever symptoms, wait until you are well and healthy again. Active herpes anywhere on the face, need to consult your Doctor Shingles shot, wait 4 weeks after shot Taking antibiotics, wait 2 weeks after treatment Seizures, need Doctors clearance
Conditions that Require Medical Clearance AND Pre-MedicationHeart valves, stents, pacemakers, rheumatic fever Organ transplants Joint replacements Shingles history Lupus/ Autoimmune Disease Fever blister/cold sore history *If you need premedication to see a dentist, you must pre medicate to get PMU*
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